- Левада-Центр - https://www.levada.ru -

the annual Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly

This survey took place between March 7-12, 2018 and was conducted throughout all of Russia in both urban and rural settings. The survey was carried out among 1600 people over the age of 18 in 137 localities of 48 of the country’s regions. The survey was conducted as a personal interview in respondents’ homes. The answer distribution is presented as percentages of the number of participants along with data from previous surveys. The statistical error of these studies for a selection of 1600 people (with a probability of 0.95) does not exceed: 3.4% for indicators around 50%; 2.9% for indicators around 25%/75%; 2.0% for indicators around 10%/90%; 1.5% for indicators around 5%/95%.


  May 03 May 06 May 07 Dec. 12 Dec. 13 Dec. 14 Mar. 18
Watched it on TV, listened to it on the radio in its entirety or almost in its entirety 18 24 16 11 12 18 21
Familiar with it from the summaries given by the papers, by the news on TV 16 21 16 22 25 39 24
Heard something about it 32 25 24 30 29 27 25
Haven’t heard anything about it 34 30 43 36 34 17 30

DO YOU NOW HAVE A CLEAR UNDERSTANDING OF THE DIRECTIONS IN WHICH THE COUNTRY WILL DEVELOP OVER THE NEXT SIX YEARS? (single answer; percentage of those respondents who watched the address or heard something about it)

  Mar. 18
Definitely 14
Mostly 42
Mostly not 28
Definitely not 5
It is difficult to say 11

TO WHAT EXTENT DO YOU THINK THE STATED DEVELOPMENTAL COURSES WILL BE IMPLEMENTED OVER THE NEXT SIX YEARS? (single answer; percentage of those respondents who watched the address or heard something about it)

  Mar. 18
Fully 8
To a significant degree 40
To an insignificant degree 29
Not at all 6
It is difficult to say 16

TO WHAT EXTENT DO YOU APPROVE OF THE DEVELOPMENTAL COURSES LAID OUT IN THE ADDRESS FOR THE COUNTRY OVER THE NEXT SIX YEARS? (single answer; percentage of those respondents who watched the address or heard something about it)

  Mar. 18
Fully approve 19
Generally approve 51
Generally don’t approve 9
Don’t approve at all 3
It is difficult to say 19

IN YOUR OPINION, TO WHICH TOPICS DID VLADIMIR PUTIN PAY TOO LITTLE ATTENTION?(respondents were presented with a card; multiple choice; percentage of those respondents who watched the address or heard something about it; ranked in descending order)

  Mar. 18
The campaign against poverty 34
Pension increases 2
Economic development 19
Developing the health care system 18
Agricultural development 15
Solving housing issues, mortgages 10
Education and culture 10
The development of cities and territories 8
The environment 8
Building roads 5
Raising birth rates, demographic problems 5
Business development 4
The military and armament 2
Other 5
It is difficult to say 26

TO WHICH TOPICS DID VLADIMIR PUTIN PAY TOO MUCH ATTENTION? (respondents were presented with a card; multiple choice; percentage of those respondents who watched the address or heard something about it; ranked in descending order)

  Mar. 18
The military and armament 46
Economic development 8
Business development 8
Raising birth rates, demographic problems 8
Solving housing issues, mortgages 5
Building roads 4
Developing the health care system 4
Agricultural development 4
The development of cities and territories 3
The campaign against poverty 3
Pension increases 3
The environment 2
Education and culture 2
Other 6
It is difficult to say 27

Translated by Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (formerly Monterey Institute of International Studies).

The ANO Levada Center has been forcibly included in the registry of non-commercial organizations acting as foreign agents.  Read the Director of the Levada Center’s statement of disagreement with this decision here. [1]


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