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Conflict with Ukraine: October 2022

Concern about the Ukrainian events remains at a high level. Support for the actions of the Russian Armed Forces remains high. Slightly more than half of the respondents support the announcement of partial mobilizations, but the opinion in various socio-demographic groups is heterogeneous. At the same time, the number of supporters of peace talks continues to grow.

Concern about the Ukrainian events remains high and remains at the level of the end of September, when partial mobilization was announced. 58% of respondents are very concerned about current events in Ukraine, 30% are rather worried.


The greatest concern is typical for people aged 55 and older: 75% of them are very concerned about what is happening, 20% are rather worried. The youngest respondents are the least concerned about what is happening: 34% are very worried and 40% are rather worried.


Support for the actions of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine remains at the level of last month – 73%: 44% “definitely support” the actions of the Russian armed forces, 29% “rather support”. A total of 20% of respondents does not support the actions of the Russian army.


The highest level of support for the actions of the Russian armed forces in Ukraine is represented among the older age groups (40-54 years and 55 years and older) and is 75%; the lowest is typical for young respondents (18-24): 58% of respondents express support among them.


Among all respondents, 56% support partial mobilization (24% – fully support, 32% – rather support), 38% do not support (19% – absolutely do not support, 19% – rather do not support).

The least support for partial mobilization is represented among the youngest respondents, Muscovites, respondents who believe that the country is moving on the wrong path, and those who disapprove of the president’s activities: 58%, 51%, 76% and 79%, respectively, do not support partial mobilization in these groups.

The greatest support is expressed by respondents 55 years and older, residents of cities with a population of up to 100 thousand people, respondents who believe that things are going in the right direction in the country, and those who approve of the president’s work: among them support is 66%, 60%, 73% and 66%, respectively.


Just like at the end of September, two-thirds of respondents fear that due to the fighting in Ukraine, a general mobilization in Russia will be announced: they are definitely afraid – 36%, rather – 29%.


For the second month in a row, there has been a slow increase in the number of supporters of peace talks. In October 36% 36% supported the continuation of hostilities. In August the number was 48% of, in September – 44%. Accordingly, 44% supported the start of negotiations in August, 48% in September, and 57% in October.


The prevailing feelings about the introduction of martial law in the annexed territories and a number of restrictions in other regions are “anxiety, fear, horror” (30%), “satisfaction, joy” (13%) and “shock” (9%). At the same time, just over a quarter (27%) of respondents declared their indifference to these events.



The survey by the Levada Center was conducted October 20 – 26 2022, among a representative sample of all Russian urban and rural residents. The sample was comprised of 1604 people aged 18 or older in 137 municipalities of 50 regions of the Russian Federation. The survey was conducted as a personal interview in respondents’ homes. The answer distribution is presented as percentages of the total number of participants along with data from previous surveys.

The statistical error of these studies for a sample of 1600 people (with a probability of 0.95) does not exceed:

3.4% for indicators around 50%

2.9% for indicators around 25%/75%

2.0% for indicators around 10%/90%

1.5% for indicators around 5%/95%

The ANO Levada Center is included in the registry of non-commercial organizations acting as foreign agents.


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