
Protest moods: September 2023

In September, the protest potential has practically not changed compared to this summer and remains at a fairly low level. The greatest willingness to participate in protests with economic and political demands is expressed by low-income citizens and those who do not approve of the president’s activities or believe that the country is moving on the wrong path. About half of the respondents believe that the authorities should not restrict the freedom of speech of those who oppose the Special Military Operation. Most often, those who disapprove of the president’s activities and those who believe that the country is moving on the wrong path agree with this opinion. Most of the respondents are neutral about the people who went out to anti-war protests.  

The share of Russians expecting protests with economic demands has practically not changed since the summer of this year and is 19% (in June, 17% of respondents considered such protests possible, in March – 18%). The share of respondents who would be willing to take part in such protests was 18% (15% in June).

*How probable do you think are mass demonstrations against the dropping quality oil life in your city/village?

**If such demonstrations were to take place, would you take part in them?

Потенциал протеста с экономическими требованиями

Вполне возможны*
Приняли бы участие**

Most of all, protest moods are characteristic of low-income groups of respondents, those who do not approve of the president’s activities and who believe that the country is moving in the wrong direction. Of those who barely have enough to eat, 22% of respondents said they would take part in potential protests with economic demands. Among those who believe that the country is moving on the wrong path, there are 33%, among respondents who disapprove of the president’s activities, 40%.

The assessment of the potential of protests with political demands remained almost at the same level: 14% of respondents consider them possible (17% in June). The willingness to participate in such protests was 13% (10% in June).

*How probable do you think are mass demonstrations with political demands?

**If such demonstrations were to take place, would you take part in them?

Before 2009 the question about the protest readiness was not posed

Потенциал протеста с политическими требованиями

До августа 2009 г. вопрос о готовности принять участие в протестах не задавался

Вполне возможны*
Приняли бы участие**

The groups of respondents with low income (16% among those who barely have enough to eat), those who believe that the country is moving on the wrong path (27%), and respondents who disapprove of the president’s activities (33%) are most ready to participate in political protests in September.

Attitude to anti-war protests and their participants

About a fifth of respondents in general – 18% (19% – similar to last year’s results) have a positive attitude towards people who went to anti-war protests. 44% of respondents treat them neutrally, indifferently (40% in August 2022), 32% — rather negatively (38% in August 2022). The most negative attitude towards the protesters is represented among respondents who approve of the president’s activities and among those who believe that things are moving in the right direction (37% and 39%, respectively).

About half of respondents in general – 51% (57% a year ago) more agree with the judgment that the government should not restrict the freedom of speech of those who speak out with anti-war actions. Those who disapprove of the president’s activities (75%) and those who believe that the country is moving on the wrong path (68%) think so more often. At the same time, about a third of Russians (35%) believe that the authorities should stop anti—war protests – first of all, supporters of the authorities, but even there this opinion does not prevail.


The all-Russian survey by the Levada Center was conducted September 21 – 27 2023, among a representative sample of all Russian urban and rural residents. The sample was comprised of 1633 people aged 18 or older in 137 municipalities of 50 regions of the Russian Federation. The survey was conducted as a personal interview in respondents’ homes. The distribution of responses is given as a percentage of the total number of respondents.

The statistical error of these studies for a sample of 1600 people (with a probability of 0.95) does not exceed:

3.4% for indicators around 50%

2.9% for indicators around 25%/75%

2.0% for indicators around 10%/90%

1.5% for indicators around 5%/95%


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