Attention to the Ukrainian events has not changed in recent months: about half of the respondents are closely following the events. The level of support for the military actions remains consistently high. The number of supporters of peace talks continues to grow slowly after a decline in August. If respondents had the opportunity to go back to the past, equal shares of respondents would support or prevent the decision to launch the special military operation. If a family member of the respondent had signed a contract to participate in the special military operation, about 40% would have supported such a decision, but the same number would not have supported it. Those who would approve of such a decision motivated it by the need to protect the homeland and civic duty. And those who would not approve said that they were worried about their loved ones and were in favor of peace.
Attention to Ukrainian events has not changed significantly over the past months, so now 52% of respondents are following the events (the sum of the answers is “very carefully” and “quite carefully”), another third of respondents (32%) are following without much attention, 15% are not following at all.
The most closely following the Ukrainian events are men (56%), older respondents (70% among those aged 55 and older), low-income respondents (60% among those who barely have enough to eat), those who believe that things in the country are going in the right direction (58%), those who approve of V. Putin’s activity as president (55%) and TV viewers (60%).
Women (50%), young people under 24 (68%), respondents who barely have enough for clothes (49%), those who believe that things in the country are going the wrong way (60%), those who disapprove of the activities of the current president are less closely following the events around Ukraine (62%) and those who receive information from social networks and telegram channels (53% each).

The level of support for the actions of the Russian armed forces in Ukraine has not changed significantly and remains high – 76% (45% definitely support, 31% rather support). 15% of respondents do not support it (7% definitely do not support it, 8% rather do not support it).
The level of support for the actions of the Russian military is higher among men (82%), older respondents (81%), Muscovites (84%), those who believe that things in the country are going in the right direction (87%), those who approve of V. Putin’s performance as president (82%) and those who trust television as a source of information (86%).
The level of support is lower among women (72%), youth under 24 (67%), residents of cities with a population of more than 500 thousand people (72%), those who believe that things in the country are going the wrong way (46%), those who disapprove of the activities of the current president (35%) and those who trust information from YouTube channels (57%).

After a decrease in the share of supporters of peace talks against the background of events in the Kursk region, their number is gradually increasing to 55%. The share of supporters of the continuation of hostilities is decreasing to 36%.
Women (61%), less well-off respondents (57% each among those who barely have enough to eat and those who barely have enough for clothes), residents of villages and towns with populations under 100,000 (59% each), those who believe that things in the country are going the wrong way (48%), those who disapprove of Putin’s performance as president (76%) and those who trust YouTube channels as a source of information (62%) are the most likely to say that peace talks should start now.
More often than others, men (45%), older respondents (42% among respondents aged 55 and older), better-off respondents (39% among those who can afford durable goods), Muscovites (65%), those who those who believe that things in the country are going in the right direction (44%), those who approve of the activities of the current president (39%), those who trust television as a source of information (41%).

Russians are divided on the question of whether they would cancel or support the start of the special operation if they had the opportunity to return to the past.: 40% would have canceled (21% definitely canceled, 19% rather canceled), 44% would have supported (21% definitely supported, 23% rather supported). For a year and a half, public opinion on this issue has not undergone significant changes.
Men (52%), older respondents (51% among respondents aged 55 and older), more educated respondents (48% among those with higher education), Muscovites (57%), those who believe that things in the country are going in the right direction (53%), those who approve of V. Putin’s activity as president (48%), those who trust television as a source of information (54%) would support the decision to launch the special military operation more often than others.
More often than others, women (44%), young people under 24 (50%), respondents with secondary education and below (49%), residents of villages and towns with a population of more than 500 thousand people (44%), those who believe that things in the country are going according to the wrong way (71%), those who disapprove of the activities of the current president (70%) and those who trust YouTube channels as a source of information (55%).

Equal shares of Russians would rather approve (40%) and rather disapprove (42%) of the decision of a family member or a loved one if he signed a contract to participate in the special operation.
Most often men (48%), older respondents (55 years and older) – 51%, Muscovites (50%), those who believe that things in the country are going in the right direction (48%), those who approve of V. Putin’s activity as president (43%), those who trust television as a source of information (50%) would approve of signing a contract to participate in the special military operation.
Most often, women (48%), young people under 24 years old (57%), residents of cities with a population of 500 thousand people or more (48%), those who believe that things in the country are going in the wrong direction (70%), those who disapprove of the activities of the current president (68%), those who trust YouTube channels as a source of information (61%) would not approve of signing a contract to participate in the special military operation.

Those who would approve of the decision of a loved one to sign such a contract, most often say that “it is necessary to defend the Motherland, for Russia” – 41%, “the choice of each person, his decision” – 18%, “this is the duty of a citizen, a civic position, patriotism” – 18%, “I support the special military operation, this is the right thing to do” – 10%.
Those who would not approve of such a decision said that they were worried about the life and health of a loved one – 54%, that “against war / war is bad” – 31%, that “professionals should fight” – 5%, that “money is not needed at such a price” – 4%, “there are already employees, wounded, and dead among relatives and acquaintances” – 4%.

The survey by the Levada Center was conducted October 24 – 30 2024, among a representative sample of all Russian urban and rural residents. The sample consisted of 1617 people aged 18 or older in 137 municipalities of 50 regions of the Russian Federation. The survey was conducted as a personal interview in respondents’ homes. The distribution of responses is given as a percentage of the total number. The data set is weighted by gender, age, level of education for each type of settlement (large cities, medium cities, small towns, villages) within each Federal district independently, in accordance with Rosstat data.
The statistical error of these studies for a sample of 1600 people (with a probability of 0.95) does not exceed:
3.4% for indicators around 50%
2.9% for indicators around 25%/75%
2.0% for indicators around 10%/90%
1.5% for indicators around 5%/95%
Learn more about the methodology