The level of attention to the Ukrainian events and support for the actions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have not changed much over the past month. Against the background of the capture of Bakhmut (Artemovsk) by Russian troops, the share of respondents who support the continuation of hostilities has increased – their number has slightly exceeded the number of supporters of peace negotiations for the first time since August of last year. More than half of the respondents believe that the “special operation” is progressing successfully. The prevailing opinion is that military operations will drag on for another six months or longer, and confidence in this has been steadily increasing over the past year.
The level of attention to Ukrainian events remains at the level of last month. 21% follow “very closely” (in April — 24%) and another 33% follow “quite closely” (31% – in April). 45% of respondents follow without much attention or do not follow at all.

As in other months, respondents from the older age group (55 years and older) most closely follow events related to Ukraine: 59% of this group closely follow. In the age group from 40 to 54 years, 53% of respondents are closely followed, 40% aged 25 to 39, and 39% from 18 to 24.

In May, support for the actions of the Russian armed forces in Ukraine remained virtually unchanged. 43% definitely support (as in April) and 33% most likely support (in April – 32%). Do not support – 18% (in April – 16%).

The highest level of support for the actions of the Russian armed forces in Ukraine is typical for those who trust TV as the main source of news (87%) and who approve of the president’s activities (85%), as well as for respondents 55 years and older (83%), men (80%). The lowest level of support is observed among those who disapprove of the work of the head of state (35%). Also, young people (62% among respondents aged 18-24) and women (74%), as well as those who do not trust any news sources (66%), are less likely to show their support.

Against the background of the capture of Bakhmut (Artemovsk) by Russian troops, the share of respondents supporting the continuation of hostilities increased – 48% in May (38% in April), and supporters of the transition to peace negotiations – 45% (51% in April).

The transition to peace negotiations is more often supported by respondents in the groups of 18-24 and 25-39 years, women and respondents who do not support V. Putin’s activities as president. Representatives of older generations, men, and supporters of the government are more likely to advocate the continuation of hostilities.

Since February of this year, the share of respondents who believe that the “special operation” is progressing successfully has practically not changed: 63% thought so in the winter, and 61% in May. At the same time, the number of respondents who believe that the “military operation” is progressing unsuccessfully has slightly increased – 28% (in February – 24%).

Among the respondents, confidence is growing that military operations in Ukraine will be delayed: in May, only 11% of respondents believe that military operations will last up to six months (in January – 12%). 71% of respondents believe that military operations will last more than six months (in January — 68%).

The All-Russian Levada Center survey was conducted on May 25 — 31, 2023, on a representative All-Russian sample of urban and rural population of 1,603 people aged 18 years and older in 137 localities and 50 subjects of the Russian Federation. The study is conducted at the respondent’s home by a personal interview method. The distribution of responses is given as a percentage of the total number.
The statistical error in the sample of 1600 people (with a probability of 0.95) does not exceed:
3.4% for indicators close to 50%
2.9% for indicators close to 25% / 75%
2.0% for indicators close to 10% / 90%
1.5% for indicators close to 5% / 95%
ANO “Levada Center” is included in the register of non-profit organizations performing the functions of a foreign agent.