Most of the respondents spent their summer holidays in the country or at home. Also, in comparison with the previous measurement, the share of vacationers abroad decreased and the share of those who chose to travel in Russia increased slightly. In total, about 4% of Russians have been abroad over the past year. First of all, the respondents were in Turkey, Egypt, Abkhazia and Kazakhstan.
This year, the majority of respondents spent their summer vacation in the country (23%), used it for household chores (15%), did not go anywhere due to lack of funds (13%), spent it on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus or in the Crimea (8%). About a quarter (23%) have not been on vacation this summer. Since October 2018, the distribution has changed little. However, compared to the previous measurement, the share of vacationers abroad decreased and the share of those who chose to travel in Russia increased slightly.

Previously, a similar question was asked in a different formulation, respondents were asked about intentions:

The overwhelming majority (96%) of respondents have not been abroad in the last 12 months, while 46% of all respondents have never been abroad. Mostly respondents over the past year have been in Turkey, Egypt and Abkhazia.

The survey by the Levada Center was conducted September 22 – 28 2022, among a representative sample of all Russian urban and rural residents. The sample was comprised of 1631 people aged 18 or older in 137 municipalities of 50 regions of the Russian Federation. The survey was conducted as a personal interview in respondents’ homes. The answer distribution is presented as percentages of the total number of participants along with data from previous surveys.
The statistical error of these studies for a sample of 1600 people (with a probability of 0.95) does not exceed:
3.4% for indicators around 50%
2.9% for indicators around 25%/75%
2.0% for indicators around 10%/90%
1.5% for indicators around 5%/95%
The ANO Levada Center is included in the registry of non-commercial organizations acting as foreign agents.